From Our Insurance Agent Membership growth of the Knights of Columbus Order is the fuel that keeps this great fraternal engine running. All of our charitable works at the council, state, national and international level are made possible...
We now have 8 bingo groups. 3 of the groups have no leaders. 2 of the groups have no bingo callers. We may have to combine several groups if we cannot get 2 more bingo callers and 3 more group leaders. If...
Next meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary is Monday, January 11 at 7:00 PM in the lower KC Hall. We will also be calling for help with the fish fries in February and March. Please say “YES” when we call you...
Thanks to the KC members and the Ladies Auxiliary members who helped decorate the KC Hall for Christmas. Looked good, didn’t it? Happy New Year to all!!-- Seems like 2015 just started. Now it’s 2016. I wish you and your family...