The annual Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Dance will be held Saturday, February 11, 2017. We are again asking members to donate gifts for this event. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We are not going to solicit businesses for donations with the...
Hall Rentals To rent the hall or for hall rental questions and information call Gary Ziegler at 573-576-6451
From Our Insurance Agent KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EARNS TOP RATING FROM A.M. BEST FOR 40TH CONSECUTIVE YEAR Note: A.M. Best issues financial-strength ratings measuring insurance companies' ability to pay claims. It also rates financial instruments issued by insurance companies, such as bonds,...
2016-2017 Officers of St. Joseph Council #6420 Grand Knight Gary Ziegler Deputy Grand Knight Brian Ziegler Chancellor Vacant Recorder Marcus Schaefer Treasurer David Glastetter Advocate Paul Boyd Warden Butch Bader Inside Guard Anthony Ressel Outside Guard Darrell Backfisch Trustee (3...
February/March Meeting Nights All meetings in lower hall Columbus Club Meetings February 1st at 6 PM March 1st at 6 PM KC Council Meetings February 1st and 15th at 7:00 PM March 1st and 15th at 7:000 PM...
IMPORTANT DATES----FEBRUARY February 1-- Columbus Club Meeting 6 PM—lower hall February 1— KC Council Meeting 7 PM—lower hall February 2-- Bingo Group 5—Roxie Ziegler February 7— Euchre 7 PM—lower hall February 8—4th degree meeting 7 PM—lower hall February 9—...
January Family of the Month January Knight of the Month Edward & Nikki Landewee Dave Carmen
Message from the Grand Knight As I sit at my desk to preparing this newsletter it is the middle of January and it is cold and wet outside. So I’m thinking several months ahead to February and March. To...