Ladies Auxiliary

Ladies Auxiliary On Monday January 8th the KC Ladies Auxiliary will meet in the lower KC hall at 7PM for a short meeting. Ladies--please come

Important Dates to Remember

January 2--- Euchre 7 PM—lower hall January 3 —Columbus Club Meeting 7PM—Lower Hall January 3—KC Council Meeting 8 PM—Lower Hall January 4--- Bingo Group 3 —Group Leader Needed January 8—Ladies Auxiliary Meeting 7 PM Lower Hall January 9 —Seniors 1PM...


January/February  Meeting Nights All meetings in lower hall   Columbus Club Meetings January 3 at 7 PM February 7 at 7 PM   KC Council Meetings January 3 & 17 at 8:00 PM February 7 & 21 at 8 PM...

Knight and Family of the Month

Knight of the Month               Family of the Month             December             Doug Lynn                      Francis & Anna Rose Bles

Valentine Dance

The annual Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Dance will be held Saturday, February 10, 2018.  We are again asking members to donate gifts for this event.  WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!  We are not going to solicit businesses for donations with the...

Event News

ADOPT A SEMINARIAN   Since the founding of the Knights of Columbus the Knights have promoted and supported vocations. This year our council has “Adopted” 3 seminarians. Here they are:   Daniel Belken 2. Rylee Hartwell 3. Nicholas Newton   ...

From our Insurance Agent

Your Shield For Life Insure Your Family’s Future   Life Insurance-- Permanent and Term●Children’s Policies●Long Term Care●Annuities and Tax Shelters (IRA, SEP, Roth)●Mortgage Protection● Survivorship Insurance●Charitable Gifting●Disability Income Insurance   Let’s Talk   Darrel Vandeven, Field Agent, FICF 1177 Co....


2017-2018 Officers of St. Joseph Council #6420 Grand Knight                        Gary Ziegler Deputy Grand Knight         Pat O’Brien Chancellor                            Vacant Recorder                                Anthony Ressel Treasurer                               David Glastetter Advocate                              Paul Boyd Warden                                  Butch Bader Inside Guard                         Bob Bell Outside Guard                      Tom

Fourth Degree

For those interested in becoming a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus there will be a 4th degree exemplification February 10, 2018 in Branson, Saturday March 3, 2018 in St. Louis, Saturday April 14, 2018 in Kansas City...

Whats Happening

Euchre Tournament.  Our Euchre Tournament will be Saturday January 27th in our upper KC hall. Doors will open at 6:00 PM with playing starting at 7:00 PM. A $10.00 donation entitles you to a fun evening of chili, chicken noodle...