2017-2018 Officers of St. Joseph Council #6420 Grand Knight Gary Ziegler Deputy Grand Knight Pat O’Brien Chancellor Vacant Recorder Anthony Ressel Treasurer David Glastetter Advocate Paul Boyd Warden Butch Bader Inside Guard Bob Bell Outside Guard Tom Anderson Trustee (3...
For Hall Rental, call Roxie - 573-264-2884
From Our Insurance Agent The Knights of Columbus was named one of the 2018 World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere Institute. The Knights of Columbus has won the distinction for five consecutive years and is one of only...
Knight of the Month Family of the Month January Jerome Backfisch David & Denise Glastetter February Mike Miller Pat & Sally O’Brien
For those interested in becoming a 4th degree member of the Knights of Columbus there will be a 4th degree exemplification Saturday June 9th in Jackson, Missouri.. Members who have attained Third Degree membership are eligible to join the...
Fish and Chicken Fry Our remaining Lenten Fish/Chicken Fry’s are Friday March 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd. St. Joseph Parish has agreed to work Feb 16th , St. Lawrence Feb 23rd, St. Augustine March 2nd, St. Denis March 9th, St....
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Joseph On Sunday March 18th The Knights of Columbus will have a pilgrimage to the shrine of St. Joseph. The shrine of St. Joseph is a Catholic Church located at 1220 N 11th...
The Jackson Knights of Columbus 6405 are spearheading the construction of a new cabin at Camp St. Vincent at Fredericktown (Camp Re-New-All). The concrete foundation and slab floor have already been poured. The actual framing will start some time in...
A MESSAGE FROM A PAST GRAND KNIGHT My Brother Knights For years I interviewed over one hundred men wanting to join our Knights of Columbus Council. My first question was “Are you a practicing Catholic?”. You answered, “Yes”. My question...
Message from the Grand Knight We’ve had a busy past couple of months. A Euchre Tournament in January. In February We had an evening with our Bishop. Then the Valentine Dance, and the Religious Appreciation Banquet. We also had a...