Jack Baker

Council Newsletter July – Aug 2019


          I would like to thank those who agreed to serve as officers of our council for the upcoming year.  Jack Baker will be filling the office of Deputy Grand Knight and Tony Welter will be our new Trustee.  I am looking forward to working with everyone.  There will not be a Council or a Columbus Club Meeting on July 3.  We will have our regular business meetings on July 17.  The Columbus Club will present plans on the addition to our hall. 

Pat O’Brien, Grand Knight          573-545-3015

Columbus Club Notes

Bill LeGrand is President of the Columbus Club.  House committee members are Tom Anderson, John Jansen, and Steve Seyer.  Bar committee members are Bill LeGrand and Brian Ziegler.  Grounds committee members are Mike Miller and Bill LeGrand.  Kitchen committee members are Tom Anderson and Steve Seyer.  Rental committee members are John Jansen and Floyd Smith. 

Knight of the Month                             Family of the Month

May:      Ben Raines                               May:  Bob & Marge Stull

June:      Jack Baker                                June:   Frances & Anna Rose Bles


Kelso Klassic:This year’s Kelso Klassic was postponed and has been rescheduled for July 5-7.  We need help.  If you are willing to help and for more information, please contact Brian Ziegler @ 573-450-4902.

KC Scholarship:The Knights of Columbus Scholarship recipients for this year are Brittney Garner and Hailey Maglone.  They will each receive $500.

Tractor Parade:The Tractor Parade will be held on August 3.  The tractors will be arriving at the hall around 11:30. There will be many antique tractors so come out and see them.  If you have any questions about the parade, contact Tony Welter or Elmer Kenkel.

Religious Education Appreciation Dinner:The annual Appreciation Dinner for our Religious Educators will be help on August 11,  Happy hour will be at 4:30 with a meal at 5:30.

State Horseshoe Tournament: The KC State Horseshoe Tournament will be held in Washington, Missouri on August 16-18.  Registration forms can be found in the bar area of our hall.  Forms must be completed in time to be postmarked by July 15.  Remember you must have an up to date membership card before the form will be mailed.  If you have any questions, contact Glen Backfisch at 573-579-2155 or Jerome Backfisch at 573-318-0256.

2017-2018 Officers of St. Joseph Council #6420

              Grand Knight                     Pat O’Brien

              Deputy Grand Knight        Jack Baker

              Chancellor                         Vacant

              Recorder                            Glen Backfisch

              Treasurer                            David Glastetter

              Advocate                            Paul Boyd

              Warden                              Butch Bader

              Inside Guard                      Bob Bell

              Outside Guard                    Tom Anderson

              Trustee (3 Year)                 Tony Welter

              Trustee (2 Year)                 Gary Ziegler

              Trustee (1 Year)                 Bob Vetter

              Financial Secretary            Joe Wayne Spalding

              Lecturer                             Randal Friend            Chaplain                             Father Michael Casteel


JULY 17, 2019

There will be a special meeting following the regular Council meeting where the Columbus Club members will present plans for the addition to our hall.  Following the presentation, there will be discussion and voting on the addition. 

This is an important meeting concerning the financial  investment of our council.  Please try to attend.

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