Council Newsletter – March/April 2020
The Pancake/Sausage Breakfast was a huge success. Thanks to Brian Ziegler for organizing this and to all the knights who volunteered their time to help at it. We have decided to continue to have breakfasts every month. Our plan is to have them every third Sunday.
The first ever state Cornhole Tournament was a lot of fun and raised money for Special Olympics. Thanks to all the members who helped to make this event a success. Also thanks to the members who so willingly chair our Valentine’s Dance and to those members who donated prizes for this.
Our Lenten Fish Fries will begin February 28. Please consider volunteering your time and help at these events. Much help is needed to make them a success! Together we can make it happen.
Pat O’Brien, Grand Knight
Knight of the Month Family of the Month
January: Gary Ziegler January: Joe Wayne & Betty
February: Mike Miller February: David & Denise
Attendance Prize: 1/15 meeting – $60 – Michael Dannenmueller – absent.
2/6 meeting – $70 – David A. Robert – absent
Fish, Shrimp, and Chicken Fries: The Lenten fist fries will be held February 28, March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3. Serving will be from 4 PM until 7 PM. Prices are $11 for adults, $5 for ages 6 through 11 and free for kids under 6. Carry Outs are $11.
The following parishes have agreed to furnish workers on the following dates;
- February 28 St. Joseph, Scott City
- March 6 St. Augustine, Kelso
- March 13 St. Denis, Benton
- March 20 St. Ambrose, Chaffee
- March 27 St. Lawrence, New Hamburg
All knights are asked/encouraged to help with the fish fries – you don’t have to wait to be called or wait until your parish’s turn – just show up any Friday during Lent. We are one KC Council. We always need help. Just say “yes”.
Council Breakfasts: We are going to be having a breakfast the third Sunday of every month. Please volunteer to help at these. For more information and to volunteer, please call Brian Ziegler at 573-450-4902.