Message from the Grand Knight – April/May 2017
Message from the Grand Knight
Spring has sprung—have you?
Our Fish Fry’s are in full swing. The last one coming up April 7th. Thanks to all of you who have been helping. Some of you are there every Friday. Great. We appreciate you !!
Sunday April 16th Easter Sunday. . Jesus died, was buried, and arose on the 3rd day (Easter Sunday) giving us a chance to be with Him in heaven someday. Let’s not blow that chance.
Sunday May 14 is Mother’s Day. If your mother is still alive let her know you appreciate her. If she is deceased pray for her. If you are married and have children better do something special for your wife. Even though she is not YOUR mother she is a mother.. (I”ve been down that road before with my wife).
Happy Spring to all of you. Blessed Easter to you. Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. And a Big Thanks to all you brother Knights and wives who help our KC Council in any way..
None of us can do everything–but we can all do something.
If you are an active member, Thank You— If you are not, Why Not?
Vivat Jesus
Gary Ziegler, Grand Knight