Margie Stull

Thanks to the volunteers during the 2016 State Horseshoe Tournament

From our Tournament Chairman

I would like to thank all the ladies and men who helped out at the horseshoe tournament.

A special Thank You  To

Glen Backfisch, Jerome Backfisch, Matt Backfisch, Donnie Bond, Donnie Dirnberger, Travis Dirnberger, Anita Essner, Becky Essner, Cody Essner, Dennis Essner, Mark Essner, Randal Friend, David Glastetter, Jim Glastetter, Sam Glastetter, Greg Heisserer, Jamey Heisserer, Ralph Heisserer, Tom Heisserer, John Jansen, Tom Jansen, Danny Kern, Donnie Kiefer, Ed Landewee, Bill LeGrand, Kenny LeGrand, Randy LeGrand, Jeff Miller, Pat O’Brien, Sally O’Brien, Kenny Page, Anthony Ressel, Jonathan Ressel, Dennis Ressel, Peck Robert, Walter Seyer, Floyd Smith, Joe Wayne Spalding, Bob Stull, Tony Welter,  Brian Ziegler

Thank you to Kelso Sales and Service for the use of their deep freezes during the tournament.

We could not have pulled it off without the good help. I hope we will have a final outcome for the November/December newsletter.

Remember to check out our website,, for results.

One other thing, always have plenty of gas for the grill, I heard someone may have run out and kept turning up the heat and a few hours later realized the tank was empty. (Just one of them things with having a good time)

Mike Miller, Tournament Chairman

1 Comment on “Thanks to the volunteers during the 2016 State Horseshoe Tournament”

  • Rich Bowler says:

    I am in charge of ordering the trophies for 2017 in Cottleville. May I have the contact information for the person who did the ordering for your tournament?

    Rich Bowler

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