What’s Happening
- Fish /Chicken Fry Our Lenten Fish Frys are over. Thanks to all of you who came out and helped in any way. Some of you were there every Friday to help. God Bless You.
- Stop Abortion. The local Knights of Columbus Councils take turns mowing the “Cemetery of The Innocent”. It is located on the east side of Interstate 55, going north, just before the Cape Exit where you will see many white crosses. Our Council’s turn to mow the cemetery is the months of May and October. It’s just one small part we do as Knights to let others know that abortion is murder and abortion offends God.
Last newsletter I asked for help in mowing & weed eating the cemetery in May and October. Out of our 487 members only 3 members contacted me and said they would help. Thanks Dennis, Francis and Tony
Don’t Run away. On June 7th we will have election of officers. Now is the time to let us know that you are willing to take your turn and serve your Knights of Columbus Council as an officer. Seems like some brother Knights think that they don’t have to become an officer that someone else will do it. Brother Knights—We are ALL busy. No of us are sitting around with nothing to do.
None of us can do everything–but we can all do something.
Don’t run away from a chance to serve as an officer in our Council. We need you–really.
The Kelso Klassic will be held Friday June 8th, SaturdayJune 9th and Sunday June 10th , 2017 at the Kelso Ball Park. Workers are needed. Please contact Brian Ziegler at 573-576-6451 if you are willing to help.
Job Opening for a KC Hall Rental Coordinator. I have been Hall Rental Coordinator for our KC Council for eight years. Effective December 31, 2017 I will be retiring from that job. I will no longer book rentals after 2017 or coordinate the rental activities at the KC Hall. Hall rentals and bingo’s are a big part of our income.
The job of Hall Coordinator consists of booking and coordination the rentals and activities at our KC Hall. This is a volunteer job. For more information you may contact me, Gary Ziegler or the president of the Columbus Club, Glen Backfisch, at 573-579-2155.