Whats Happening
Euchre Tournament. Our Euchre Tournament will be Saturday January 27th in our upper KC hall. Doors will open at 6:00 PM with playing starting at 7:00 PM. A $10.00 donation entitles you to a fun evening of chili, chicken noodle soup and card playing—a prizes for the winners. Please call Anthony Ressel at 573-587-1766 for more information
An Evening with Bishop Rice. On Friday February 2nd at 6:15 PM in the lower KC hall we will have a chance to meet and greet our Bishop. He will be there to talk to us and answer any questions we may have about the Catholic Church and our faith, Join us with the Bishop. Tickets are $20.00 per person and includes heavy appetizers (whatever that is) and drinks. The Bishop gets none of the money—the money raised goes to support the Missouri Religious Vocation Fund.
Black Light Bingo. If you’ve never been to a Black Light Bingo here’s your chance. St. Joseph School in Scott City is having a Black Light Bingo in our upper KC hall February 3rd. For more information please contact Joe Wayne Spalding at 573-270-1305 or 573-264-4863
Options For Women will have a Quarter Auction on February 17th in the upper KC Hall. For more information please contact Donna Anderson at 573-450-1451 or 573-264-3470
Religious Appreciation Banquet. Sunday February 18th we will have our Religious Appreciation Banquet. Happy hour will be from 5:00 PM till 6:00 PM. The meal will be served at 6:00 PM. Please come to show your appreciation and thanks to the priests, nuns, deacons and religious who dedicate their lives to God so that we may know Him better. Contact Gary at 573-576-6451 and let him know that you are coming—that way we will prepare enough food for you and your family. Ladies, please bring a desert–Thanks
Valentine Dance. Our annual Valentine Dance will be Saturday February 10, 2018. Happy hour will be 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Dinner and dance will follow. Tickets ae available now..They are $110 per couple. This includes a fabulous meal at 6:30 PM. And drinks (all night) .We are asking members to donate gifts for this event—Please. For further information please contact: Mike Miller at 450-2303 or 264-4512, Pat O’Brien at 318-4888 or 545-3015, David Glastetter at 579-3620.