Bingo Update
We now have 8 bingo groups. 3 of the groups have no leaders. 2 of the groups have no bingo callers. We may have to combine several groups if we cannot get 2 more bingo callers and 3 more group leaders. If
you would be willing to be a bingo caller please let me know. Training will be provided. If you would be willing to be a group leader please let me know. A group leader is the person who calls the persons on the
bingo group list to see if they are willing to work their group’s bingo. The group leader can be a KC member and/or his wife. Bingos are a major source of income for our KC council. We appreciate all who work at our bingos.
Joe Wayne Spalding, Bingo Chairman
phone 573-264-4863, cell 573-270-1305