Message from Grand Knight
Message from the Grand Knight
Greetings Brother Knights and Ladies,
This year is fast approaching the end. Autumn began last month (September 22nd) . October 31st is Halloween. November 1st is the feast of All Saints (A Holy Day of Obligation). Daylight Savings Time ends November 5th. November 23rd is Thanksgiving. ).Winter begins in a couple of months (December 21st ). And how many shopping days till Christmas??.
Seems like yesterday (or maybe a couple of years ago) that my wife and I were married. But—we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in August. I can’t be that old can I. Wow—things are moving so fast it makes my head spin.
Thanks for all you do Brother Knights and Ladies. And thank God for keeping us safe and giving us each day to serve Him better by what we say, what we do and how we act.